I was able to set up an interview with the Miriam Popp. She is a young bi-racial woman who was able to transform her body and take the leap to join fitness competitions. Here is her story:
What influenced your decision to change your living styles when it comes to fitness and nutrition?
The day before my 29th birthday I decided I needed to get my act together. There was no reason for me to be unhappy in my body. As a teen and child I was ridiculously skinny. In my 20's I put on a lot of weight and I kept letting the pounds pile on. It was easy to go out with friends and order whatever I wanted with a couple of drinks. I wanted to go into my 30's with a healthier lifestyle and outlook on life. I was determined to kick 30's butt. I wanted more than anything to take ownership of where I was physically and do something about it.
Has your goal been accomplished and how long did it take you to get to your goal?
I never had a goal weight. I just wanted to be able to go into a fitting room, try clothes on and feel amazing. You could line up three women all the same weight and it could look completely different on each one. My goal is a lifetime goal. I hope to eat clean and workout for as long as I can. I have been blessed with this body and I want to treat it right for as long as I can.
Who are your influences and what helped you get to where you are?
After working out for 6 months on my own with the help of free videos I found on the internet, I contacted an old friend who has a fitness studio a few towns away from where I live. She actually asked me if I had ever thought of competing in a fitness competition. I looked at her as if she was crazy. She thought it would be a great goal for me. Needless to say I agreed to compete and that's when everything changed. She hooked me up with a competition coach who supplied support, guidance, my workouts and meal plan. My competition coach is all about fueling your body with real food. No gimmicks, no pills, no shakes just real clean food.
What is your daily regimen?
I eat 6 clean meals a day, protein and green veggies at every meal with a couple of servings of fruit, starch and good fat. Most mornings I'm at the gym by 6am. I do 30-40 minutes of cardio but here is the important part... I lift weights…heavy weights. Everyday is a different group of muscles. This morning was back and triceps, tomorrow will be shoulders and core. Lifting weights is the only way for a woman to shape and mold her body.
What advice would you give to other African American women who went through the same health struggle and trying to live healthier?
Get healthy for you. Pour so much love over yourself that peoples outside opinions don't matter. Make yourself your main priority. I put myself first in my journey. If people didn't understand why I couldn't go out that night it was their problem not mine. When people would ask why I was eating the way I was I would say it was for my future self. My fitness has become a huge part of my life. When I finish my workout every morning I feel accomplished and ready for my day.
What's next for you in the future?
Now that I've competed in three fitness competitions, I would really love to do some fitness modeling. Next month, I'm shooting with a fabulous photographer out in California. Ill use these photos as part of my growing portfolio. The photos will also be a visual tool for me to remind myself of how far I've come. Sometimes it can be hard to see your own progress.Photos have been a great reminder of where I've been and how far I've come. I also plan on competing again next April 2014. If I miss the stage that much I might just compete again in November 2013.
I want to add in to keep people around you who support and love you. The support of my friends and family is what has kept me on my journey. Having my friends, family and coach hold me accountable has also been a huge factor. I tell my loved ones exactly where I'm at in my training. They keep me honest. The more they know about my process/journey the more they can help pick me up when I falter. Also, listen to your body. There are mornings where my body needs the extra sleep more than the workout. There are foods that I've learned my body doesn't react well to. I pay attention to what my body needs and I try to provide that.
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